season 3 🌸: review

Season 3 was our longest and most ambitious season yet. We have solidified our position as the premier Bitcoin exchange on Arbitrum.

season 3 🌸: review

gm gardeners! 👨‍🌾

The petals shed from our cherry blossoms to mark the end of Season 3, which ran from May 13th to August 13th, 2024—our longest and most ambitious season yet.

Season 3 was ambitious because it went against the grain of the typical airdrop campaigns, where users earn 3-4x in token rewards compared to the fees generated from trades. This was the approach in our first two seasons when the goal was to battle-test the application. Now, with Garden at a more robust stage, our focus shifted towards solidifying our position as the premier Bitcoin exchange on Arbitrum.

Season 3 didn't have crazy games or multipliers, it had two objectives –

1) Try out Garden for free and use it again if you like.

We made swapping Bitcoin through Garden essentially free by offering 100-150% cashback in SEED on fees paid, encouraging bridge users to give Garden a try. As a result, we saw $ 67.7 million volume swapped through Garden attracting 181 new users.

2) Check out Bitcoin DeFi opportunities in the Arbitrum ecosystem to #GrowYourBTC.

We partnered with nine Arbitrum projects, including GMX, Radiant, Vertex, TraderJoe, and PancakeSwap, to showcase WBTC yield opportunities as quests for Garden users. Our co-marketing efforts included a Twitter Space series, “Bitcoin to DeFi,” which garnered over 5,000 combined listens! As a result, 196 users participated in these quests during Season 3.

Season 3 Winners 🏆

Here are the gardeners with the best figures in Season 3, Congratulations! 👏

A total of 692,394 SEED was rewarded during this season to 260 Garden users.

Next steps

Season 3 has been a fun little experiment as Garden prepares for our next phase. All rewards earned by users during Season 3 will be unlocked on 12th September 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC. Next steps will be displayed in our quests page.

About Garden

Garden is the fastest way to swap BTC and WBTC, providing a 10x improvement over existing options. It is decentralized, trustless, audited and not a real garden. 

Join our garden townhall to chat with other gardeners about which cherry blossoms lit up the season.